by Ng Sean Fong In the 1980s, amidst the swift evolution of biotechnology, there was a growing consensus to conserve wild genetic resources. Through the
BFM 89.9 | As we celebrate International Day of Forests and World Water Day this March, we find out more about RUGS from Vivian Soon (Wildlife and Conservation Officer) and Ng Sean Fong (Data and Policy Officer) who are both with the Malaysian Nature Society.
BirdLife Asia | The Malaysian Nature Society has set out on an ambitious project to connect existing green spaces in Kuala Lumpur. Find out more about why this is so important for the city and its inhabitants, and how they are engaging with local groups to turn this dream into a reality.
The Edge | As the global human population continues to grow, so does the demand for wood products.
BFM 89.9 | As we celebrate International Day of Forests and World Water Day this March, we find out more about RUGS from Vivian Soon (Wildlife and Conservation Officer) and Ng Sean Fong (Data and Policy Officer) who are both with the Malaysian Nature Society.
BFM 89.9 | Catch up with Alicia Teoh, the Founder and Secretary of the Shah Alam Community Forest Society, to discuss the role these urban forests play in improving our quality of life, and why we must protect them at all costs.
The Star | Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is organising competitions to teach students to care for the environment.
Rantaian Urban Green Spaces (RUGS)
The initiative by
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS)
MNS Headquarters, JKR 641
Jalan Kelantan, Bukit Persekutuan
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
03-2287 942